Weeks Family Funeral Home Payment Policy
At-Need Funeral Payment Options
For your convenience, we have listed several at-need funeral payment options below. We hope this information will be helpful to you in funeral planning. It is the policy of Weeks Family Funeral Home & Crematory that payment for goods and services are due in full prior to at-need services rendered. You may use any one or a combination of the following options for payment.
We no longer accept memorial contributions on behalf of the family.
Have Questions? We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Trust funded and Insurance funded pre-need funeral plans purchased through Weeks Family Funeral Home & Crematory are the best and most effective means with which to cover funeral expenses. We may consider accepting pre-need funeral plans purchased from other funeral homes after review, or the cash value credit may be applied toward at-need funeral services selected.
A verifiable insurance assignment is another convenient means with which to cover funeral expenses. Prior to the funeral home accepting an insurance assignment, all insurance policies are verified to determine that the policy is assignable, is in force, amount of death benefit, beneficiary information, contestability and if there are outstanding loans against the policy. If the insurance policies meet our requirements, the insurance assignment will be accepted. To expedite the insurance verification process, it is extremely helpful to bring insurance policies and contact phone numbers to the initial funeral arrangement appointment. A 4% processing fee will be added to the total of the invoice.
If this information is being provided to you in advance, we recommend that you contact your insurance company to verify that: (1) your life insurance policy is in force, (2) you have adequate coverage to cover funeral expenses, cemetery costs and even other debts, (3) that the beneficiary information is correct,(4) the life insurance policy is assignable to the funeral home and /or cemetery to cover funeral expenses and cemetery costs, and (5) if there are any outstanding loans against the policy.
Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express
Cash Advances are items that may appear on the funeral purchase agreement and are paid for by Weeks Family Funeral Home & Crematory as a convenience to our customers, but are not services the funeral home provides. They are services that are provided by a third party and payment is generally required by the third party prior to providing the service. Examples of cash advances are: cemetery charges, airline transportation, clergy honorarium, musician's honorarium, facilities rental, certified copies of death certificates, newspaper obituary notices and out of town funeral home charges, etc.